14 December 2009


Love is either unconditional or it's no love. You might like someone conditional on their personality or behavior or circumstances. But love accepts no boundaries. So never say 'I love you because', for love has no cause, love comes from God.

"Love is..." is going to be a greaaat show/play :) I read through the script. Very nice! Great job to the production team. Can't wait can't wait for Saturday. Am part of the usher team. Hehe. I should really just record me saying, "welcome welcome, have a great evening!" Aha! Oh! Anyone want me ask you out this Sat for the event? ^^

I want heels so badly! I want heelsss!! *Grumble grumble.* ): Seriously, so so so badly. Sigh sigh sigh.. K, i will get it someday. Watched another episode of Hi my sweetheart and Momo luv. I hope Sunday arrives soon so that I can watch another episode. This Sat episode of Momoluv is worth the watch, cuz i watched it already. Hiakhiak. Btw, my lappy has gone way crazy. It keeps repeating few linesof words over and over again which is super irritating! Bf say my comp have virus and i have to restart it. Wthwthwthwthwth. But! I can't restart it. Dangdangdangdang. I shall have to make do with not having sound on my lapt then. I got so crazy with twitter, i downloaded Twim for my phone. Hehehe. Actually works real fine k :)

Ps./ Thank you soverymuch