07 November 2009

Love, the greatest gift of all

Some decisions i make sometimes turn out wrong. I thought i would not have any things i would miss about it but was wrong. Maybe i was too stubborn to listen. Maybe the bad memories were more than the good ones. It was yesterday when i watched the video that i realised. Tears fell, but i was smiling throughout too. Actually, some were pretty nice and we had already built a good brother sister relationship. If you ask me would my life be different without them, the answer surely is yes. Every person, every one who have stepped into my life made a significant difference. Some bigger than the rest. But all of you have an impact on my life. Whatever you have done for me or said to me, i will bring it with me always. Thank you, i love you all.

& Yes, to the person who made a great impact on my life, thank you love :) Thank you for being such a great boyfriend when at times i've been such a bitch. Hehe ^^ I love you!

Ps/ Reply my message leh. Trying very very very hard not to be paranoid. But, got limit one k!