Grandma's birthday yesterday. She's the only one worthy of my respect here. If one day she's gone, I really don't know how i would live. She's my tower of encouragement, advise seeker. She was always there for me whenever something bad happens. I would shut myself up and after all those tears, she would come in and talk to me. I remember she used to bring my around to all places when i was young. Whenever i mentioned something i like, she would get it for me. God has really blessed me. I gave her a very pretty card and she said she luvs it. Hehe. I love you! God bless you many many (L)

Only know do i realise that i've been trying to act strong infront of everybody. I never showed anyone that i could cry, especially my family. But, actually, i do cry very easily nowadays. Don't laugh!
Its funny when your own advice doesn't seem to work for yourself. Its funny when everytime you try to "stand up", something makes you fall again. Its funny when the people you used to be so close with seem so distant. Its funny when you think you are trying to help but actually you're making it worst. Its funny when you're trying to knock some shyt of a person but the person doesn't give a damn. Its funny when someone ask you if you're okay when you're not and you can only say i'm okay.

Isn't that the only way? :) Whatever happens half way that becomes an obstacle to us, look at it in another way. Can't an obstacle also be a step to higher ground? Why look at things the bad way when it also has its good side? Why look at other peoples' flaws when you should be learning from the good points of them? Why take people for granted and when you lose them feel regretful?

Btw, I saw this heels in Korea. Chio to the maxxx!!